ICO Jincor - Create platforms with smart contracts and crypto conversion, simple for any business.

ICO Jincor - Create platforms with smart contracts and crypto conversion, simple for any business.

While existing solutions offer only one problem at a time, our team must create a useful, secure, standards-compliant and easy-to-use product based on a private chain. It will include templates for intellectual contracts that apply to specific areas of business and country law, easy integration with crypto-currency payments, and even a digital arbitration system for working out the right decisions on unclear issues related to the effectiveness of intellectual contracts. In the end, Jincor is aimed at integrating all companies, employees and business assets into a single blockchain ecosystem that will make business relationships really fast, transparent, effective and reliable.

Cases of use

A recent study by the University of Cambridge estimates between 2.9 and 5.8 million people who are currently using cryptocurrency wallets around the world in 2017. There are also more than 100,000 traders, including giants such as Microsoft, Paypal, DISH Network, Intuit and Overstock, who trust bitcoin enough to take it as a payment method.


ICO Jincor at a glance.
In order to fully unleash the potential of the Jincor ecosystem, get a critical mass of involved enterprises and enter more global markets as soon as possible, we are going to attract additional funding by conducting an ICO campaign. We issued 35,000,000 JCR tokens, 4% of which were sold in pre-ICO in August, and 76% will be put up for sale during the ICO in December at a starting price of $ 1. Thus, the total amount of money we plan to raise , is 27 million dollars. The JCR icons will play an integral role in the Jincor business model and act as the national currency for all services provided by the platform.

road map


Full transparency.

The organizational structure of Jincor includes the parent company registered in Cyprus (Jincor Ltd.), its 100% subsidiary operating company in Russia (OOO "Business Set"), a wholly-owned trading company selling tokens in Singapore (Jincor Pte. ) and also SPV for the allocation of a pool of options for key employees registered in the British Virgin Islands (Jincor Special Ltd.).

Additional Information

website: https://jincor.com/
Technical description: https://jincor.com/whitepaper
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jincorlimited/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jincor_ico
telegram: http://t.me/jincorICOeng

Author : pohon tumbang

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1555703

My wallet : 0xB62D8A32653B27aca79bF18dC1C61c7fE58A199b


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