Gem4Me - Trading platform


Many platforms related to the purchase and sale of goods appear as mushrooms after rain, and most of them do not find their audience, and many factors are the reasons for this: distrust of team and platform, working analogs, which although not so convenient, but already tested time, weak PR company, lack of users. All of these factors kill a new platform on the vine. Today I would like to introduce you to the Gem4me Market Space project, which is a platform for the sale of goods and services. After analyzing the market, developers realized that no viable mobile app to trade, even from the top trading companies, and trying to occupy an empty niche, the team created Gem4me Market Space. The back of the team already has a successful project, Gem4me, which is an elite messenger with 5 million users, which means that corporate marketing does not require a large infusion of money. Because of the ads on their messenger, there will be a steady stream of subscribers to the new platform, with no huge marketing costs.
  • The project team has long been involved in the creation of major projects such as Viber and Playtika, and therefore creates something of a large scale and mass, for people it really does not matter.
  • The creation of large and small businesses on the platform, will be greatly encouraged, as the arrival of these customers ensures the entry of new users.
  • The platform will be equipped with its own intraplatform handbags, as well as chat - bot and Al technology that allow you to automate the financial management process on the user platform.

The main advantages of this platform are:
  1. Ability to create any store using chat bots
  2. Possibility of receiving money back for purchase
  3. Purchase of goods for crypto currency
  4. Analysis for trading crypto currency
  5. Trade outside your city
  6. Create a large store with lots of products, with integrated chat robots to help with purchases
  7. The possibility of selling not only goods, but also services
  8. Three words that perfectly describe the Gem4me Market Space project: Security, Simplicity, Functionality!
The Messenger project, you can download it now, in an easy way for you, to be part of a large audience already using this app, as well as ensure developer professionalism.


Initial development of Gem4me instant messenger
Introduction of the first versions on Android and iOS platforms

1000 users of Gem4me

1 000 000 users of Gem4me
The development of the Gem4me Market Space platform on the basis of Gem4me
Development and release of the web version of the messenger Gem4me
Development and release of the alpha version of Back4Cash
Start of cooperation with Icobox

Development and release of voice conferences for 64 participants in the Gem4me messenger
Development and release of telegram-bot Back4Cash
The launch of a private sale and public presale of ICO Gemme Coin (GMC)
5 000 000 users of Gem4me
Development and release of Gem4me Market Space, financial plugin
Development and release of the bot
Development and release of telegram-bot RichLand
Development and release of Gem4me Back4Cash bot
Development and release of p2p videochats
Public token sales launch, Tokme Gemin Coin (GMC) main emissions and distribution
Development and release of Smart Wallet + Personal Finance services
Development and release of Crypto / Fiat Services
Development and release of the Gemme Ads advertising platform
Development and Escrow release
Development and release of B2C and C2C social services (local business) + Reputation
Decentralization (use of blochain) from the Gem4me Space Market platform
AI for Back4Cash, RichLand, and Gemme services
KYC (know your clients) / AML (anti money laundering)
Wallet / secure payment / micro credit
Multi-account: Crypto + Fiat

Online payment gateway for e-commerce
Offline POS (place of sale) and QR (quick response) terminals for businesses
Split/messenger/p2p/micro credits p2p + Reputation
Integration of Smart Wallet with bank cards and bank accounts in different regions of the world
Debit cards from various issuers and virtual debit cards
Completion of work to create a global trading platform for a closed cycle "without borders"

Additional information about the project:

Eth: 0xB62D8A32653B27aca79bF18dC1C61c7fE58A199b


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