Terawatt - Monetization global L.E.D

What is Terawatt?

Terawatt is a patented blockchain renewable energy startup, with a strong focus on L.E.D's global monetization and drivers. adoption. Terawatt will create DAO, and also Ethereum, private (zk-SNARKS) based currencies for global payments. DAO will be funded and used by Utility Company, L.E.D. Sellers, businesses, token holders, and energy customers around the world. The DAO will act as a decentralized global mutual / insurance fund to ensure that Utilities (and businesses) always have access to funding (which is constantly running out) to subsidize L.E.D. sales to their energy customers (or to increase business to L.E.D.s). Total Supply: 100 Million Tokens. Supply Circulation: 65 million (supply will decrease exponentially in the curve to as low as 1 million tokens at all times). This is because of our sustainable coin burning algorithm. Terawatt will automatically use 50-75% of the company's profits obtained from DAO entry / exit fees, and others to buy back and burn tokens every day.

About Terawatt

Take advantage of blockchain technology to help reduce global lighting electricity consumption by 50 percent (around 2,000 terawatts) by 2035, while also increasing light output by 50 percent. Terawatt will also create a deflationary currency to compete with FIAT and digital alternatives such as Bitcoin. Terawatt aims to address other renewable sectors such as Solar, Wind, Electric Vehicles after the proof of concept is achieved by L.E.D.s.


Terawatt will create the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), and also create a highly deflationary Ethereum-based currency for global payments. DAO will be funded and used by Utility Company, L.E.D. Sellers, Businesses, Token Holders, and Energy Customers around the world. The DAO will act as a decentralized global mutual / insurance fund to ensure that Utilities (and businesses) always have access to funding (which is constantly running out) to subsidize L.E.D. sales to their energy customers (or to increase business to L.E.D.s). This is a big benefit for utility companies because they want 100 percent of their customers to have energy-saving lights because of excessive excessive networks, which forces electricity companies to build (and maintain) expensive power plants (hundreds of millions of dollars) to meet demand. . They were also mandated by government agencies (ie the US Department of Energy and the US Environmental Protection Agency) to improve L.E.D. adoption in their respective markets. Businesses want L.E.D.s because they reduce electricity bills, increase light output, reduce maintenance costs, and fulfill their requirements for tax incentives. Initial costs are a problem, but Terawatt will help overcome this.

The Terawatt Token will also be used as a currency similar to an ETH in a business company or utility that will accept it as a payment method. DAO members with businesses will want to receive Terawatt tokens as payment because they will get increased voting / power tightening in DAO, and therefore far more deflation than FIAT or other cryptocurrency because of the continuous coin burning structure, which is the same as the potential for increased profitability. Electricity companies, and other token holders, will buy DAO with our tokens, we will charge fees for entry and exit, and when they sell their positions, we take a percentage of their profits (such as mutual funds or no exchange). We will take 50-75% of this profit to buy back and burn our tokens every day (per transaction depends). With Terawatt, everyone and business can have uninterrupted access to cheap / free LTE that substantially reduces purchasing costs, electricity bills, improves global lighting efficiency, and in turn reduces global greenhouse emissions.

Tokens (LEDs) may or may not increase exponentially because more electricity companies (and energy / other company / buyers / customers) are aware of the benefits of using our tokens and joining the DAO (Metcalfe's Law), thus increasing demand while also reducing inventory. Through the use of DAO, a key partnership (They are actively pursuing collaboration and partnerships with utility companies globally), deflation supply, token incentives, and greedy marketing, Terawatt aims to help place LEDs in all commercial lights, industries (street lights), buildings governments and housing / facilities around the world and efficiently increase turnover from efficient incandescent, Metal Halide (MH), High Pressure Sodium (HPS), and Compact Fluorescent Lighting (CFL) to 100% LED lighting (Light Emitting Diode). Token holders will also be able to find and utilize applicable instant tax deductions, search for tax credits, and then store these purchase data securely on the network for later use in filing their taxes. Participants can buy, sell, share with masternodes (if available), vote, donate, or hold (LED) tokens, which will drive the Terawatt Ecosystem.

Token Info
  • Name: Terawatt
  • Token: LED
  • PreICO price: 1 LED = 0.30 USD
  • Price: 1 LED = 0.40 USD
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Receive: ETH
  • Soft stamp: 500,000 USD
  • Hard stamp: 13,500,000 USD
  • Tokens for sale: 65,000,000
Why is L.E.D.?

1. Benefits

Turn on immediately, like an incandescent light bulb
They remain cool to the touch even after use
Hold up to five times longer than CFLs
There is no sensitivity to cold temperatures
Do not contain mercury
Some models can be used with dimmer switches
Available in white, warm and bright white
"Low energy light bulbs use less than 20% of conventional light bulb energy, and can last up to 15 times longer." -Carbonfootprint.com

2. Token description

This project will use Ethereum to publish and make tokens mainly because it has a basic foundation that our technology will implement. Terawatt will manipulate the blockchain smart contract. Our tokens will be standard ERC20 tokens with certain modifications. Our algorithm will verify that the consumer has purchased the light bulb from the appropriate seller and added the transaction to the blockchain. Smart contracts will execute and manage the entire process.


For more information, you can visit the LINK below:

My Eth: 0xB62D8A32653B27aca79bF18dC1C61c7fE58A199b


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